Welcome to ClubScrap's Monthly kit Blog Hop!!!
So this month we were taking a trip to the San Juan Islands and I needed a Travel Journal to take with me, to document our travels. I also wanted to incorporate some watercolor paper tags to paint on using the Travel Art Kit I made a few weeks ago for iNational Scrapbooking Day.When I opened up my Club Scrap monthly kit and saw it was the PERFECT kit for a trip to the islands, and so here is what I came up with...
Composition notebook
Ink pads
Watercolor paper
Modge Podge
1. Get a composition notebook. Trim off the about an inch of each of the lined notebook paper pages inside the notebook. This will make space for labeling the divider pages.
2. Cover composition notebook with cardstock using modge podge or book binding glue. I used the cardstock with the light house. I only covered up to the black spine cover with this cardstock.
3. I then created a cover for the spine of the notebook, using green cardstock. I tore cardstock on both long edges and then I used the stencil with a sponge to sponge on green ink. Add this piece to the journal spine using modge podge.
4. I then covered the inside of the front and back covers with cardstock - stamped images - added ribbon.
5. Measure and cut divider pages. I cut each of these pages about a 1/4th of an inch wider than the one before it, so that when you open the notebook, you can visually see all of the page dividers. On each divider, I stamped some images along with the day (i.e. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, etc) Divide your notebook into even sections and then adhere the dividers into the book.
6. On the opposite side of each divider, add a 2 in strip of cardstock, strategically adhering to create two pockets for 2 tags. Cut two tags to fit in pockets (I rubberstamped images on some of the tags, left some of them blank):
7. Here is a couple of the tags that we took turns painting along the way, I pretty much suck at it, but still had fun doing something other than staring at miles of concrete:
I really liked this version of a travel journal. I was able to use different colored sharpies through out the book and write bigger, make lots of lists, and notes about meals we ate, prices we paid, drew some maps of the different areas, geocaches found (for logging later), etc. I really enjoyed the extra space allotted to me. It was a nice size to take and work with as well while traveling!
Thanks for visiting my blog during the ClubScrap Blog Hop!
Wanna see some more great creative ideas using this month's Cape Cod kit from ClubScrap??? Just check out the next participant in the Blog Hop, please visit Jill P. over at http://jmp1022.blogspot.com for more!
The majority of the materials used in this project are from ClubScrap. TFL DebDuzScrappin