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Rubberstamps (ClubScrap)
Shrink plastic
Heat gun
Hole punch
Embroidery thread
1. Cut a piece of cardstock for front of card approximately 4x5.25
2. Rubberstamp “striped rectangular” stamp (Clubscrap) in 2 shades of complimentary ink repeatedly on card front as shown.
3. Rubberstamp “animal” stamp (Clubscrap) in black ink on vellum, let dry. Trim out, ink edges.
4. Rubberstamp image or sentiment onto shrink plastic with black Stazon ink. Trim out, punch a hole in the corner. Shrink with heat gun or in oven per package instructions.
5. Attach vellum and shrinky dink to the card front using brads or embroidery thread.
6. Optional: Rubberstamp additional sentiment on front of card, if desired.

The majority of the materials used in this project are from ClubScrap. TFL DebDuzScrappin

Great information on scrapbooking, I am going to check out clubscrap to learn more..