Gift card holder - Version 4
1. Cut a piece of cardstock 6x12. Score a line horizontally at 2 inches from the bottom. Score 3 lines vertically every 3 inches (3in, 6in, 9in).
2. Fold on all the score lines, and reinforce the fold lines.
3. (optional) I skipped this on this example. Using a circular punch, punch a half circle in the center of each of the 3 in sections (the folded up 2 inch bottom part).
4. Ink all of the edges of the e

ntire piece.
5. Using a stapler, staple on the fold lines at 3in, 6in, 9in creating the pockets which will keep the gift cards stablized and in place.
6. Using a circular punch, punch 2 color coordinating circles, fold in half. Adhere to the left and right edges of the bottom holder, to create a closure, so the gift cards don't fall out.
7. Rubberstamp sentiment at the top of each pocket.
8. Using a japanese punch, punch two small holes a the center of the project (at the 6in fold), one hole on each side of the fold just above the lower pocket. Thread some ribbon through these two holes to create the tying closure for the holder.
9. Embellish the front as desired.
10. Insert your gift cards.
11. Create a 4.5x3.25 matching envelope if desired.
Thanks for looking. Good luck and happy Scrappin'.
The majority of the materials used in this project are from
ClubScrap. TFL DebDuzScrappin